This ibook is a summary of Dubai group's journey as students enrolled in EDM310. Though the road was not always a smooth paved one, we worked together as a group and learned many new and exciting things. Our ibook is a visual artifact that highlights our experiences as EDM310 students.Included is a group picture, each members' brief personal bio,book trailor, my sentence/passion videos,favorite blog post, 10 personal photos, and a group discussion. We hope you enjoy our ibook as much as we enjoyed being students in EDM310.
Friday, May 9, 2014
ibook summary-final project
This ibook is a summary of Dubai group's journey as students enrolled in EDM310. Though the road was not always a smooth paved one, we worked together as a group and learned many new and exciting things. Our ibook is a visual artifact that highlights our experiences as EDM310 students.Included is a group picture, each members' brief personal bio,book trailor, my sentence/passion videos,favorite blog post, 10 personal photos, and a group discussion. We hope you enjoy our ibook as much as we enjoyed being students in EDM310.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
C4k #4 post 1
This Week I was assigned to Meleona's blog post entitled ”Swimming”. In this post Meleona tells about the 8 swimming lessons that she and her classmates got to experience. They were taught by professional swimming coaches and seemed to enjoy the experiene a lot.
My Response:
Hi Melenoa! My name is Ty Walker and I'm a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. Thank you for sharing your experience with the world! You did a great job of explaining the techniques that your instuctors used and of how to execute them. This post could possibly inspire someone who is afraid to take lessons to try something new! Would you like to take more lessons? Do you think you would ever want to compete in a swimming competition?
C4K Post 2
This week I was assigned to Jarreka's blog post entitled ”Jarreka’s monster truck story”. In this short descriptve paragraph Jarreka descibes her toy monster truck and provides an illustration. My response:
Hi Jarreka! My name is Ty Walker and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed hearing about your monster truck. You did a good job of describing how it looks. There was a monster truck show in my hometown of Mobile, Al last week, I'm sure you would have enjoyed it.
C4T #4
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Blog Post 13
Math seems to have become an area of weakness for many students. Give specifics examples of ways that technology can help to improve or at least make students more interested in mathematics.
This topic is very personal to me because I am an A student but I have always suffered in math. Some time around 6th grade I begin to lose interest in math and as a result my grades begin to slip. Although students are already at more of an advantage because of the shift to student centered leaning, the lack of mathematics skills is still an issue. With the add of technology we as educators can really assist students with improving their math skills and keeping their interest in a subject that can offer them endless employment opportunities.
The first thing I would do is incorporate the SMART board into as many math lessons as possible. When students can apply concepts directly they retain the information longer and become more interested. Instead of giving worksheets or individual bell ringers I would have students demonstrate the problem on the SMART board so that those who may not be able to complete the problem alone but are too afraid to ask for additional help can have the opportunity to grasp certain concepts. The next thing I would do is register my students for websites where they can practice mathematics problems during free time in class. Many of these websites help students to better understand concepts they may not have had enough time to grasp during class. This would also ensure that students who don't have internet access at home can get the extra help they may so desperately need.
I don't think one particular thing can fix the issue that we are having as it relates to mathematics. As a country, we are afforded so many luxuries so it puzzles me as to why we score significantly lower than other countries when tested in the area of mathematics. Although there is no quick fix we must start with gaining and keeping the interest of our students. Interested teachers grow up to be involved and interested teachers and that is where the solution lies.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
C4T#3 Summary
I had the pleasure of reading Jeff Utecht's blog post entitled ”In 2014”. I can't think of more appropriate subject mattter as it relates to EDM310. This post is a cry for improved technological advances amongst all school systems. In the post many prevelant issues are addressed and in my opinion not a moment too soon.
My response: Hi, My name is Ty Walker and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I can't even explain how refreshing I found this blog post. Technology is such an important aspect of our lives, especially pertaining to education, yet so many people are afraid to take the inevitable leap. Of all the suggestions mentioned, I especially agree that if schools can not or will not provide students with electronic devices for learning purposes that they should be allowed to bring their own. Here in Alabama, the Baldwin County School System is spearheading efforts to do just that. They have provided all of their students, K-12, with a Macbook or an Ipad. I feel that this is the direction in which all school systems should be headed and this post made it obvious that I am not the only person who feels this way.
C4t #3- Posted March 25, 2014
I was again assigned to Jeff Utecht's blog, but this week I commented on a post entitled ”Flipboard as a Textbook Replacement”. I really feel that this blog is one that I will continue to read in the future because the subject matter is so relevant. In this post Jeff says that he hopes textbooks in the classroom will become obsolete and uses flipboard as an example of a more useful replace. He also gives examples of things that can be accomplished while using Flipboard as a classroom curator.
My response: Hi Jeff, My name is Ty Walker and I'm a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. This is my second time being assigned to your blog and I enjoyed this post just as much as I did the first. The fact that you hope that textbooks will soon be on their way out is a very interesting concept. My professor always speaks about the idea of "burp back education" and without textbooks that way of teaching would be impossible, which is a very good thing. I know it will probably be years before we see a change, if textbooks are ever replaced at all but your idea was very well presented and something that I wouldn't mind trying in the future.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
C4K Summary
This week I was assigned to the Little Voices, Little Scholars class blog where I read and commented on a post entitled ”Butterfly Creek”. These Students reside in New Zealand and documented their trip to Butterfly Creek through pictures they displayed in the form of a video. Below is my response:
Hello Class, My name is Ty Walker and I'm a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I found your trip to Butterfly Creek to be very well documented. It shows other children some of the things they will be able to do if theydecide to visit Butterfly Creek. It seems that the class was very happy to be able to interact with the butterflies! Was anyone in your class afraid to touch the butterflies or let them fly onto their clothes? Did you see a butterfly emerge from a cacoon? I hope you all continue to be little explorers and document every step of the way!
C4K #2 Posted: March 26, 2014
This week I was assigned to Asena's blog post entitled ”Sports at Tamaki College” My response: Hi Asena! My name is Ty Walker and I'm a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. Good post! I was not familiar with the college you mentioned so it was great that you provided your readers with background information. I think it is a good idea that they allow you all to participate in group activities for sports because it will prepare you for future work you may to do within a group. I hope you continue to share your experience in your blog and good luck to you and your team in your future challenges.
C4K#3 Posted March 20,2014
This week I was assigned to Pehso's blog post entitled ”Science with Mr. Barks”. In his post Pehso explains why he like science and also some of the experiments they conduct while they are woriing in the science lab.
Hello Pehso, My name is Ty Walker and I'm a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. Good post! When I was younger I really enjoyed science as well! I remember when I was 8 years old I made a volcano using vinegar and baking soda, I'm almost 27 now and I still remember how fun it was. I think it was great to mention that you have to concentrate while performing experiments. A sceince lab is not a place to play around because someone could easily get hurt by not following instructions. What were some of the hard things you did while you were in class 1? What do you use the liquid soap and vegetable oil for in Mr. Barks' class?
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Blog Post 10
Another thing I learned from Mr. Robinson was that many people only exist, they aren't actually living. I say this because of his mention of people who love what they do versus those who just put up with their profession. I would hate to live my entire life doing a job that I didn't truly enjoy or a job for which I did not have a true passion. I have always wanted to make a difference in the lives of young people and one of the most postitive ways to do that is to give them an educational experience they can carry with them for a lifetime and I honestly believe that in order to accomplish this we have to continuously change with the times, not adapt once the change has occured.
PBL #15
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Blog Post 9
To hear how Mrs. Cassidy began integrating technology into her classroom with only 5 computers was truly amazing. Many times we let the lack of anything deter us from moving forward with a situation, but instead Mrs. Cassidy sought funding for additional computers and found multiple ways to bring technology into her classroom. Like many other 21st century educators, the key idea that Mrs. Cassidy wanted to convey was that technology is essential and that we cannot effectively teach this generation of students using dated techniques. Mrs. Cassidy stated that she began her webpage over a decade ago and her blog about 5 years ago. Since then she has worked for her students to express themselves through blogs because it provides them with an audience to which they may not otherwise have access. Being able to see how many page views they have is a way to keep the students engaged and encourages them to continue post to their blog. In closing we are reminded that is absolutely essential for teachers to be technologically literate. We are left with these closing thoughts from Mrs. Cassidy, even though some teachers prefer to do things the way they’ve always been done technology is not going away and we should all except the facts and adapt our teaching accordingly.
I think I will most definitely incorporate student blogs into my classroom curriculum, not only does it help to improve writing skills but it is also a fun way to use technology. At some point I'm sure that internet or computer access would be a problem for some students so for that particular group, I would allow classroom time to work on their blogs. I anticipate that some of the benefits would be improved writing skills and an increased opportunity to begin personal learning networks.
”Interview with Kathy Cassidy Part 2”
In this video Mrs. Cassidy provides us with ways to incorporate technology into our classrooms and outside lives. Your personal interests should fuel the way in which technology is used in your classroom. She mentioned Flickr, Facebook, and blogging as good entry points. Dr. Strange and Mrs. Cassidy stressed the importance of twitter in expanding PLN's, but also warn not to give up quickly because it may seem like it isn't much help in the beginning. I used twitter daily for about 2 straight years and then I stopped abruptly. Since I have become and education major I see the benefits in using twitter and I would definitely recommend it to all future educators that I may encounter.
”Interview with Kathy Cassidy Part 3”
In video 3 EDM310 students asked Mrs. Cassidy various questions related to integrating technology into the classroom. The questions ranged from how often she did certain things to how technology could be used for none core curriculum classes such as physical education. Another important concept discussed was plagiarism related to blogs and explained that it is considered collaboration when the information is used to help someone present that same information in a different way. I feel that this was a very important point to discuss because many people wonder how effective blogs can actually be when others can read someone's post and try to use it as their own. Mrs. Cassidy's explanation was very insightful and will help a lot of students in the future. Another important topic discussed was blog safety. She adviced students not to post their last name, pictures of themselves, or venture off into areas not previously approved. I found these videos to be very informative and I would definitely recommend them for future courses.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Post 8
I really enjoyed the resources provided by Edmodo. The site is open to students as well as teachers and one of its main focuses is establishing a Personal Learning Network. It is a tool that allows teachers to communicate with their students outside of class while providing an environment where students are expected to work independently, collaborate with other students, and exchange information. Along with document sharing options students can view and upload videos and other important documents, for instance a group project. Last but not least, parents can be kept in loop about their child’s learning process and can communicate with the teacher if any questions arise.
Edmodo is one of many tools available to students and teachers but it is one that encompasses many useful things. I think more tools like this are needed to be an effective 21st Century teacher because it keeps the students engaged while also encouraging them to be independent.
PBL Project #14
C4T #2
My name is Ty Walker and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. This was a very thoughtful post! Technology is very important to the learning process and so is change. Even now, many teachers are hesitant to branch out from the traditional methods of teaching despite the fact that their students can potentially suffer. I agree with you about the general lack of concern about how poorly students test on a national level and I believe technology has a lot to do with that situation. Some school systems have already began to provide students as young as Kindergarten age with an iPad or mac book which is a step in the right direction. This can improve the learning process and provide students with better opportunities. Change is inevitable and in order to effectively compete with other nations, as far as education is concerned, every teacher should do their part to ensure that we are enhancing the learning process for our students.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Project #13- Lesson Plan
“The Ferris Wheel of Water” is a week and a half long project based lesson plan that will teach 5th grade students about the water cycle while providing them with hands on learning objectives. After a brief introduction to the material, students will be placed in groups of 4-5 (depending on class size) where they will be introduced to iCurio, Google Docs and Discovery Ed as research and presentation tools. The objectives of this lesson include collaborative research, completing an assessment rubric, and effectively using Google Docs and the SMART board to present the information they’ve learned. Dubai group’s driving question is: What are the components of the water cycle?
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Blog Post 7
This lecture made me realize the importance of engaging students in a fun way. So often as teachers we stick to a straight and narrow road, focused only on meeting required standards and learning objectives, not realizing that sometimes we may be disengaging the students. When students actually have fun with learning they are more likely to retain and master the information that is presented.
A main focus of the lecture was Entertainment Technology Center which was in use at Carnegie Mellon University. It required teamwork and out of the box thinkers to get it up and running but it is a wonderful addition to the University. In short, the program provides information about the fundamentals of Project Based Learning. Dr. Pausch also stated that self and peer editing are very important steps in project based learning. There are many things to be learned from Dr. Pausch about teaching and learning. First, a teacher should be innovative and willing to work on teams in order to achieve certain goals. Second, we should recognize the importance of valuing a student's unique set of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. Third, we shouldn't be afraid to be criticized or offer constructive criticism. Last but certainly not least, we as teachers should make learning fun!
C4K Summary- February
My first C4K for the month of February was a reply to Madison's blog post. Madison is a student in Mrs. Geldes class and seemed to be very excited about the upcoming festivities. She discussed bets people make, snacks eaten while watching the game and asked readers who they thought would win. Below is my reply:
Hello Madison! My name is Ty Walker and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. This was a very informative post. Yes, I have heard of the Super Bowl and although I'm not a huge football fan I often watch the game with my parents. I don't like guacamole but I do eat cheese and jalapenos while watching the game. Do you like cheese and jalapeno peppers?
C4k #2 e books by Robert posted January 22,2014
For my second C4K post I was assigned to Robert's blog which was all about e books. The readers are introduced to what e book are and some of the benefits. Below is my reply:
Hello Robert! My name is Ty Walker and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I think this was a great topic because some people may not have known about e books before your post. I liked paper back books a lot when I was your age, but now my favorite way to read is using apple iBooks. I hope you continue to enjoy reading, knowledge is power
c4k #3”This I believe” by KW7ERA February 5, 2014
My third C4K assignment can't be described as anything less than an ode to football. There are vivid descriptions of the type of contact players have with each other and a description of several different plays that are popular within the sport. The blogger is also a football player and expressed his dreams of one day playing in the NFL. Below is my reply:
My name is Ty Walker and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed your post! Even though I am not a fan, football does seem to be an exciting sport. Also, it is refreshing to encounter a young person who is thinking of taking a passion to the next level. You are already aspiring to play football in college and potentially in the NFL, those are wonderful goals. I wish you the best of luck, because with hard work and determination anything is possible.
C4k #4 ”Color Poem” by Allysa D. posted February 3 2014 This post was very deep and I must admit I was not expecting to read such an intense poem as a part of a C4K assignment. In the post Allysa discusses odd behavior exhibited by her father as well as how they make her feel. In the end she reveals that he has a drug problem. Below is my reply:
My name is Ty Walker and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. This was an excellent post. Your poem was very powerful and it amazes me that you shared such a sensitive topic with your peers. You may not have realized it at the time, but this poem may help someone who is in a similar situation. I can tell from your poem that the situations weighs heavily on you, but it may be best to stop worrying and just hope for the best. I admire your bravery and wish you the best of luck with coming to terms with your situation.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Blog Post #6
In ”Building your PLN- A Primer for anyone” Steven Anderson discussed the importance of PLN's and taking your connections global in order to improve upon the educational process. Steven is very involved with the global aspect of PLN's and has made contact with many different countries and is especially looking forward to linking up with someone who resides in Antarctica. He talked about the importance of collaborating with other educators and also discussed ways to do so, such as blogging, Twitter and Skype.
Of all the resources provided, I would have to say that ”Developing a Personal Learning Network in EDM310” was the most informative. It is a very clear guide on how PLN's are created, the purpose they serve, and what they actually accomplish. After reviewing this document, I was better prepared to respond to the questions proposed for this particular blog post.
A Personal Learning Network is a select group of people with whom you can consult and exchange information with online. The group can be comprised of family, friends, peers or colleagues. The benefits to having a PLN are endless. PLN's can help you as a teacher by enabling you to seek the opinions of other educators, providing access to academic resources such as lesson plans or PBL activities, and providing links to additional educational resources. They are formed by choosing a subject area or particular questions you would like additional opinions or information about and then seeking out people you want to include in your network. Currently, one of the easiest ways to create a PLN is to join a social networking site such as Twitter or Facebook. These sights enable you to search for people by occupatiion, interests or accomplishments thus enabling you to tailor your PLN to your specific needs. Another way to create a PLN is through blogging. Over the course of the semester many of us will begin to create a PLN consisting of peers and current educators, which will be a great help in the future. By starting a PLN now, it will allow us to cement educational relations and resources that will be very helpful to us first year teachers.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Blog Post #5
In ”Project Based Learning Part 2” Anthony discussed other projects in which his class participated. He also stressed the importance of not having restrictive instructions, this allows students to be more creative and usually results in projects that are more detailed than what a teacher originally expects. Another important issue in this video was what a teacher can do when a parent has an issue with a particular assignment. We as educators have to understand that no two families raise their children alike and that in certain cases precautions should be taken to ensure that all parties feel comfortable. Allowing the option of an alternative project was an excellent solution.
In video 3 ”iCurio” we are given an introduction to iCurio and ways in which it can be used. It is basically a search engine that provides age appropriate audio, text, and pictures that have been filtered specifically for educational purposes. Students and teachers can also store content within iCurio. I think this is a wonderful resource it allows students access to information they need within the risks associated with random internet searches.
It is evident that Anthony Capps is a big fan of Discovery Ed. He explained the benefits of this tool in ”Discovery Education”. He believes that students retain more information when they have visuals and audio coupled with the information to which they are being introduced.
” The Anthony - Strange list of Tips for Teachers Part 1” is somewhat of a blueprint for first year classroom teachers. Anthony and Dr. Strange provide a view example of how to make year 1 easier. First, it is important for a teacher to have a love of learning. Second, work should be fun! If you love what you do, you tend to become better at doing those things. Third, teachers should know that things will change frequently and should be able to effectively adapt to those changes. In other words, be flexible! Last but certainly not least, allow time for reflection. It is a very important step in the learning process and should be incorporated into as many projects as possible.
Technology is all around us and there is no way to ignore its prevalence. In ”Don't Teach Technology, Use It!” Anthony describes how important it is to incorporate the use of technology into the curriculum rather than just teaching it. It is a great motivation tool and students are able to gain hands on experience rather than just hearing about the potential benefits. We as teachers can also aid in the process by completing the activities before hand so that we better understand how to respond to questions a student may have.
In ”Additional Thought About Lessons” Anthony gives us his interpretation of a lesson which he says includes 4 components year, unit, week and daily. On each level standards should be incorporated and they all work together to complete a common goal.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Blog Post #4
Questions should be specific! This was an important component in the resource entitled “Asking Questions to Improve Learning”. After reading the information provided I found that many different concepts help you be effective when asking questions. For example, teachers should avoid asking leading question. Students often catch on and as a result do not actually master certain concepts. Another way to improve the effectiveness of questions is to ask different types; a mixture. A mixture of questions is more beneficial to teachers in helping with the learning process. If a teacher wants to spark a debate he or she might consider open ended questions. While if a teacher was looking to evaluate how much information a student has retained or how well they can relate material they learned to questions asked, he or she may considered closed ended questions. With this assignment I’ve learned that there is a lot I need to know about asking questions in order to become an effective teacher. Most importantly, be specific in what I am asking!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
C4T #1 Project #4
C4T#1 Comment #1
The title of the most recent post was "Blogging and The Literacy curriculum" posted on July 31, 2013. This post provides teachers with information about educational blogging and the effect it can have on student literacy. She also provides information about how to effectively incorporate blogging into the classroom. On the first attempt she found it to be a difficult task but goes on to inform teachers of the benefits of educational blogging as well as ways to effectively implement it into their own classroom. My reply to Mrs. Morris post is written below.
As a future educator I found this post to be very informative. I'm sure all first time classroom teachers have an issue with planning and time management and this post provides guidance as to how to handle blogging. The author states that blogging should be integrated into the curriculum rather than be introduced to students as a way to pass time. This allows the students to make personal connections and become interested in what they are actually completing. Educational blogging is very beneficial to students as well as teachers and the information provided can be a blueprint as to how to incorporate blogging into my daily schedule. Blogging can help students improve their literacy skills and also serves as a tool for integrating the concept of teaching and being taught in the 21st century.
C4T#1 Comment #2
The title of the next post was "Looking Back, Looking Forward" posted June 23, 2013. In this post, Mrs. Morris speaks about her desire to rid her classroom of worksheets. Unlike some teachers she realizes they are no longer and effective resource in instruction and is looking at ways to replace them with resources that involve the use of technology. These changes would save classroom space and enable students to become skilled at using technological resources. My response to Mrs. Morris' post is written below.
My name is Tywondra and I attend the University of South Alabama, located in Mobile, Al. I am currently enrolled in EDM310 and was directed to your blog by our professor, Dr. Strange. This post is a wonderful example of a teacher changing with the times. I am 26 years old and unfortunately many of my memories from elementary school involve worksheets. I'm glad to know that teachers are beginning to phase out this type of instruction. I also like that you provided information about things that can be done in place of worksheets!
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Blog Post 3
The slide show "Peer Edit With Perfection Tutorial" informs us about how to remain positive while editing the work of peers. Keep in mind that reactions can vary when engaging in peer editing and follow the proper steps to ensure effective criticism.
The second video,” Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes” , depicted what can go wrong with peer editing in a very light hearted, innocent way. In the video we learned from a group of young students about things that are NOT helpful when critiquing the work of others. These mistakes can occur as a direct result of not following the three steps to peer editing. The top ten mistakes that occur in peer editing were presented in skit form and showed the types of peer editors and responses one may encounter during the process. From “Picky Patty”, whose purpose is to find every single mistake to “Whatever William” who isn’t responsive to peer editing suggestions, peer editing is a sensitive matter and should be approached with a certain level of etiquette.
Every resource provided gave me more insight on how to participate in peer editing. In order to be successful, both parties should be patient, positive and open to suggestions. Not only were we provided with steps on how to successfully edit, we were also shown examples of how we SHOULDN’T respond to peer editing, as demonstrated by “Emotional Eddy” and “Whatever William”. If I had to offer advice on peer editing, I would tell others “be open to change”! Remember, your peers may have a better understanding of how to complete an assignment and those suggestions could very well help you in your future endeavors.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Blog Post #2
In my opinion, ”Mr. Dancealot” is being a one dimensional instructor. I say this because he is trying to teach his students about dance but he doesn’t allow them time to practice the dances he is teaching them about. He uses PowerPoint presentations to convey how the dances should be completed and expects his students to effectively master the concepts, with no further instruction. Mr. Dancealot then expects his students to reenact what he presented, via PowerPoint, in the ballroom for their final. With no class time allotted for practice, they were left to use only lecture notes to meet the expectations set forth by the professor. During the final, the students expressed how they tried to practice the dances at home but were unsure if they were completing the dances correctly, due to the fact that they received little assistance from Mr. Dancealot. Over the course of the semester, he was not open to suggestions from his students and presented himself as somewhat of a dance instruction dictator. I do not agree with this conclusion, in my opinion, this is NOT an acceptable way to instruct a dance class. The class should have been conducted in an area suitable for dance practice over the course of the semester, not just for the final. Engaging with the students and allowing time to practice would have made the class more enjoyable and would he left the students feeling better prepared and excited about their final.
After viewing ”Teaching in the 21st Century” I gained a new understanding of what it means to teach in the 21st century. Students bring their own set of knowledge, Values, Skills and Attitudes into the classroom and each experience is unique and just as valuable as the next. By placing such a value of the unique experiences of the students, in essence Mr. Roberts is teaching in the 21st century. Long gone are the days of teacher centered education where students were to no more than an avenue by which teachers could dictate. Today, students can offer just as much to the learning process as the teacher and many teachers are inspired by this. If Mr. Roberts is correct it will affect every aspect of me being an educator. Rather than participate in burp back education I would be encouraging my students to utilize the tools available to them to gain the information needed to solve any particular problem. I would be available to answer questions that are not readily available to students but knowing I will not be there to hold their hold will only push them harder to get it done on their own.
With this video, After viewing The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler the author illustrates the need for students to engage in the Connectivism approach to learning. This concept was new to me but it seems as though it is very effective. In other words the author believes that the teacher should not be the focus of the learning process. The concept of Connectivism lets a teacher act more a guide to the knowledge process rather than the education process being teacher centered. Although the teacher is less hands on using this concept the learning process of the student remains a focus. This is evident by the joy expressed when the students encounter new resources on their own. Since Technology is a part of everything we do, it is important to be able to utilize resources correctly and efficiently, which is why I believe this concept is very relevant in progression of the 21st century student. The idea of not using a textbook is not necessarily a new one but has been rare to take courses where text books are not required. This video would lead you to believe that soon, all hard copy text books would be obsolete. Before EDM310 I don’t know if I would have agreed with this approach to learning, but now I am a believer. I personally feel a certain level of gratification when I am able to complete my assignments correctly with minimal assistance from traditional text or my instructor.
The main ideas presented in ”Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts” was that not all students can learn with pencil and paper, not including technology in the learning process would mean excluding many students. Ms. Davis believes every student is capable of learning and she is using technology as a vital link between her and her students. The fact that she was previously recognized for having the best education blog in the world speaks volumes as to what has accomplished with the help of technology. Ms. Davis speaks of many teacher’s fear to explore new things because they have not personally mastered a concept. I think that was an important point to make, because like she said the students can also help the teacher and often feel empowered when they do so. One of the most powerful statements in this video was from Ms. Davis it reminds me on the very essence of EDM310 and the views expressed by Dr. Strange “I don’t have to define EVERYTHING and I shouldn't…they should be thinkers.”
Although the concept of ”Flipping the Classroom” is new to me it seems to offer many advantages to students. It introduces them to advanced technology concepts at a younger age and also encourages critical thinking by allowing the students to watch prerecorded information at home so that their questions will be well thought out when they return to the classroom the following day. Although it is only being used for math, it can be useful for all core curriculum subjects. I don’t know about anyone else but as a child when I asked my mother for help with my homework I was often torn between accepting the help she could provide and following the instructions just as they were given to me by my teacher. Flipping the classroom would enable parents to have access to the same information their child is learning in school, thus making it easier to assist him or her. I think this approach would be very useful to me as a teacher. Especially taking the No Child Left Behind Act into consideration. No two children learn at the same pace so flipping the classroom could serve as a backup tool for those student who may not understand something learned in class.
After viewing ”Teaching in the 21st Century” I gained a new understanding of what it means to teach in the 21st century. Students bring their own set of knowledge, Values, Skills and Attitudes into the classroom and each experience is unique and just as valuable as the next. By placing such a value of the unique experiences of the students, in essence Mr. Roberts is teaching in the 21st century. Long gone are the days of teacher centered education where students were to no more than an avenue by which teachers could dictate. Today, students can offer just as much to the learning process as the teacher and many teachers are inspired by this. If Mr. Roberts is correct it will affect every aspect of me being an educator. Rather than participate in burp back education I would be encouraging my students to utilize the tools available to them to gain the information needed to solve any particular problem. I would be available to answer questions that are not readily available to students but knowing I will not be there to hold their hold will only push them harder to get it done on their own.
With this video, After viewing The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler the author illustrates the need for students to engage in the Connectivism approach to learning. This concept was new to me but it seems as though it is very effective. In other words the author believes that the teacher should not be the focus of the learning process. The concept of Connectivism lets a teacher act more a guide to the knowledge process rather than the education process being teacher centered. Although the teacher is less hands on using this concept the learning process of the student remains a focus. This is evident by the joy expressed when the students encounter new resources on their own. Since Technology is a part of everything we do, it is important to be able to utilize resources correctly and efficiently, which is why I believe this concept is very relevant in progression of the 21st century student. The idea of not using a textbook is not necessarily a new one but has been rare to take courses where text books are not required. This video would lead you to believe that soon, all hard copy text books would be obsolete. Before EDM310 I don’t know if I would have agreed with this approach to learning, but now I am a believer. I personally feel a certain level of gratification when I am able to complete my assignments correctly with minimal assistance from traditional text or my instructor.
The main ideas presented in ”Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts” was that not all students can learn with pencil and paper, not including technology in the learning process would mean excluding many students. Ms. Davis believes every student is capable of learning and she is using technology as a vital link between her and her students. The fact that she was previously recognized for having the best education blog in the world speaks volumes as to what has accomplished with the help of technology. Ms. Davis speaks of many teacher’s fear to explore new things because they have not personally mastered a concept. I think that was an important point to make, because like she said the students can also help the teacher and often feel empowered when they do so. One of the most powerful statements in this video was from Ms. Davis it reminds me on the very essence of EDM310 and the views expressed by Dr. Strange “I don’t have to define EVERYTHING and I shouldn't…they should be thinkers.”
Although the concept of ”Flipping the Classroom” is new to me it seems to offer many advantages to students. It introduces them to advanced technology concepts at a younger age and also encourages critical thinking by allowing the students to watch prerecorded information at home so that their questions will be well thought out when they return to the classroom the following day. Although it is only being used for math, it can be useful for all core curriculum subjects. I don’t know about anyone else but as a child when I asked my mother for help with my homework I was often torn between accepting the help she could provide and following the instructions just as they were given to me by my teacher. Flipping the classroom would enable parents to have access to the same information their child is learning in school, thus making it easier to assist him or her. I think this approach would be very useful to me as a teacher. Especially taking the No Child Left Behind Act into consideration. No two children learn at the same pace so flipping the classroom could serve as a backup tool for those student who may not understand something learned in class.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Blog Post #1
Before this semester began I was told by other students that EDM310 is a very time consuming class. How it was explained to me, EDM310 focuses on self discipline and your grade will be a direct reflection of your efforts. Finally, I was informed that there was zero tolerance for late assignments and that the lack of regularly recorded grades is also an area of concern for many students. Although I was apprehensive about the course I decided to register and find out for myself.
I am apprehensive about many things pertaining to EDM310 but the lack of a structuralized grading system seems to frighten me the most. As college students we are often trained to obtain educational achievement by reaching the bar that is established by the professor. After reading the syllabus and other course related documents it seems that rather than reaching a bar set by someone else we are required to set the bar for ourselves with no regard to anyone else, that in itself can be a bit overwhelming. There is also a fear of being judged. A blog is very personal and is available for everyone to see, that can place an enormous amount of pressure on someone who is new to the concept.
EDM 310 is similar to a few courses I have taken at the University of South Alabama, for example EDF 315. Both classes provided very detailed course information and set very clear expectations for perspective students, especially a zero tolerance policy for late assignments. EDM310 is also very similar to EPY355 in that they both set expectations that a certain amount of time needs to be set aside each week to complete the course work presented to students. My first Bachelor's degree from the University of South Alabama was in Criminal Justice so I have been exposed to a variety of courses. Each course provided a unique set of guidelines and expectations. For instance, attendance was not required in CJ390, alternative dispute resolutions but it is mandatory for certain dates in EDM310. In MA202, Math for Elementary School teachers, all assignments are promptly loaded into Sakai and our current average is always available for review, vastly different from EDM310 where grades are not the focus of the course.
I personally feel that time management will be the most difficult aspect of EDM310. I am a full time student, mother and part time employee with the Mobile County Public School system so it will be challenging to ensure that EDM310 gets AT LEAST 9 hours of my time per week, but it is very possible.
Planning my weekly activities in advance will be the best way for me to address the "most difficult" aspect of EDM310, which is time management. By keeping detailed notes and properly documenting assignment due dates and exams days I will ensure that I can devote the required amount of time to EDM310.
Since grades are not considered important in EDM310 I would like to know how a students knows whether or not they are not meeting the required expectations by the add/drop date. I would also like to know if throughout the semester any extra credit assignments will be available. The best way to address these questions is to ask previous students or directly consult Dr. Strange.
I am apprehensive about many things pertaining to EDM310 but the lack of a structuralized grading system seems to frighten me the most. As college students we are often trained to obtain educational achievement by reaching the bar that is established by the professor. After reading the syllabus and other course related documents it seems that rather than reaching a bar set by someone else we are required to set the bar for ourselves with no regard to anyone else, that in itself can be a bit overwhelming. There is also a fear of being judged. A blog is very personal and is available for everyone to see, that can place an enormous amount of pressure on someone who is new to the concept.
EDM 310 is similar to a few courses I have taken at the University of South Alabama, for example EDF 315. Both classes provided very detailed course information and set very clear expectations for perspective students, especially a zero tolerance policy for late assignments. EDM310 is also very similar to EPY355 in that they both set expectations that a certain amount of time needs to be set aside each week to complete the course work presented to students. My first Bachelor's degree from the University of South Alabama was in Criminal Justice so I have been exposed to a variety of courses. Each course provided a unique set of guidelines and expectations. For instance, attendance was not required in CJ390, alternative dispute resolutions but it is mandatory for certain dates in EDM310. In MA202, Math for Elementary School teachers, all assignments are promptly loaded into Sakai and our current average is always available for review, vastly different from EDM310 where grades are not the focus of the course.
I personally feel that time management will be the most difficult aspect of EDM310. I am a full time student, mother and part time employee with the Mobile County Public School system so it will be challenging to ensure that EDM310 gets AT LEAST 9 hours of my time per week, but it is very possible.
Planning my weekly activities in advance will be the best way for me to address the "most difficult" aspect of EDM310, which is time management. By keeping detailed notes and properly documenting assignment due dates and exams days I will ensure that I can devote the required amount of time to EDM310.
Since grades are not considered important in EDM310 I would like to know how a students knows whether or not they are not meeting the required expectations by the add/drop date. I would also like to know if throughout the semester any extra credit assignments will be available. The best way to address these questions is to ask previous students or directly consult Dr. Strange.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Practice Post
My name is Tywondra Walker but my friends and family call me Ty. I'm 26 years old and have resided in Mobile, Al most of my life. Over the years I have lived in Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, and Virginia. My major interests include traveling, shopping and learning new things. One could say that the sequence of events that led me to become a student at the University of South Alabama are far from average. I began my freshman year of college in New Orleans,La at Dillard University the same week that Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on the city. As a result, I was forced to move back to Mobile, Al and the rest is history!
I am the oldest of two children who are the result of a 27 years marriage. My younger brother, Tommie, is 21 years old and is a Junior at the University of Alabama. My mother is a graduate of Alabama State University and owns a medical billing company here in Mobile, Al. My dad recently retired from the US Navy after 30 years of service and now enjoys a life of leisure. I spend time with him daily and it is something I have come to enjoy very much. Aside from being a sister and a daughter, I am also a mother. I have 2 children, Tiyana who is six years old and Tylan who is two years old. They are my primary focus at this point in my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I want to enter the Education field to make a positive impact on the youth. I originally graduated from the University of South Alabama in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice. My goal was to become a Juvenile Probation Officer but after many years of no work in my field I decided to return to College. Although it was not my first field of study I feel that I can accomplish just as much in the field of Education as I intended to accomplish in the field of Criminal Justice. I believe that character is molded at a young age and I want to be a part of the very critical years that can make such an impact on a child's future choices.
Shopping seems to be what I am the best at right now, simply because it is so easy to do! However, I like traveling more than I like to do anything else. I will have pictures available from my favorite pastime ,traveling, in the near future! I would like to get better at learning new things. It is a broad category but for me it includes incorporating reading into my day to day activities and that is something I really want to accomplish.
Although I have lived a pretty interesting life I didn't take my first flight until I was 24 years old! It was a trip to San Diego with my parents and I guess you could say a warm up, because three weeks later I took a 14 hour flight to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. I really enjoyed traveling outside of the United States and if given the opportunity I would live outside of the United States up to 3 months out of every year!
Welcome to my world!
I am the oldest of two children who are the result of a 27 years marriage. My younger brother, Tommie, is 21 years old and is a Junior at the University of Alabama. My mother is a graduate of Alabama State University and owns a medical billing company here in Mobile, Al. My dad recently retired from the US Navy after 30 years of service and now enjoys a life of leisure. I spend time with him daily and it is something I have come to enjoy very much. Aside from being a sister and a daughter, I am also a mother. I have 2 children, Tiyana who is six years old and Tylan who is two years old. They are my primary focus at this point in my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I want to enter the Education field to make a positive impact on the youth. I originally graduated from the University of South Alabama in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice. My goal was to become a Juvenile Probation Officer but after many years of no work in my field I decided to return to College. Although it was not my first field of study I feel that I can accomplish just as much in the field of Education as I intended to accomplish in the field of Criminal Justice. I believe that character is molded at a young age and I want to be a part of the very critical years that can make such an impact on a child's future choices.
Shopping seems to be what I am the best at right now, simply because it is so easy to do! However, I like traveling more than I like to do anything else. I will have pictures available from my favorite pastime ,traveling, in the near future! I would like to get better at learning new things. It is a broad category but for me it includes incorporating reading into my day to day activities and that is something I really want to accomplish.
Although I have lived a pretty interesting life I didn't take my first flight until I was 24 years old! It was a trip to San Diego with my parents and I guess you could say a warm up, because three weeks later I took a 14 hour flight to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. I really enjoyed traveling outside of the United States and if given the opportunity I would live outside of the United States up to 3 months out of every year!
Welcome to my world!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
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